
So, here I am again, trying my hardest not to drink so much, and here I am again, failing miserably. Last Friday I purchased a box of wine, Franzia to be exact, my box of choice, decent tasting and cheap! The box states there are 34 5oz glasses within that box. I finished said box on Wednesday. Not even a full week, and I drank 34 glasses of wine. I am going through 1 box of wine per week. That is ALOT of wine over the course of a month, or year. Every morning I wake up and tell myself that tonight I am going to take the night off, go to bed early, and catch up on my sleep. Then every day after work, that “witching hour” kicks in where my son is home from day care and it’s too early to go to bed. So, what do I do from 4-7 while he eats dinner, watches cartoons, and plays. I play with him, but with wine near by for when he wants to play by himself for a few minutes. Then by the time 7pm hits and it’s ok to put my babe to bed, the sugar from the wine has penetrated me and I am no longe

The Struggle Is Real ..

So, my drinking life seems to go in waves. I can go through a wave where I don’t drink on my lunch break, then it seems the week after, it happens. I don’t get drunk on my lunch, it’s 1-2 drinks, but then going back to work puts me in a bad mood. Since I’ve already started drinking, I don’t want to stop. I also feel as though at times, that I have this whole drinking thing under control. For example, I was sick a few weeks ago, like flu sick. I didn’t drink Monday-Thursday. Was it on my mind? Absolutely! By Friday, I didn’t drink until my son went to bed at 7pm. And then I had 2 half glasses of wine and went to bed. Saturday, same thing, I waited for my son to go to bed at 7pm, and then had a couple glasses of wine, and was in bed by 10. To say that I didn’t have the urge to drink starting around noon, would be a complete lie, but I powered through it. On Sunday, I didn’t have a drink until 6pm, then had a glass of wine in the bathtub and went to bed .. awesome, I’m getting my drinki

It’s Only Wine ..

So .. I started this blog because I drink .. I am a mother of a 2 year old son, I’m engaged, I work full time, I am 32, and I enjoy drinking. I have been reading blogs, and watching “You Tube” videos of alcoholics and think “wow, they are really bad” when in reality, they are just like me. Just because I function daily, go to work, and pay my bills, doesn’t diminish the fact that I AM an alcoholic, all-be-it, a functioning one.  I wake up in the morning and tell myself that I am not drinking today .. but then as the day progresses, the only thing I start to think about is how much wine I have left in the fridge, and when is the earliest that I can have my first drink. The only time I feel as though I don’t have that “pull” is when I am sick, and I mean sick as in the flu, not sick as in hungover. If I feel ok, then I drink daily. There have been plenty of times when I couldn’t give you a date as far as the last time I didn’t have a drink. I usually buy box of wine (because it’s c